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Prague Film School

Prague Film School is one of Europe’s leading institutions providing practical training in the core disciplines of filmmaking.


With a hundred years of filmmaking experience, Prague has a lot to offer for those who appreciate its historic beauty and medieval architecture and at the same time have high production demands and a tight budget.



How is COVID affecting the programs?*

The corona pandemic has affected us at Prague Film School as much as everyone else. We follow the government guidelines and during the times we have been forced to shut we have moved to an online based learning system for the duration. Our online classes consist of theory taught by our on site faculty using a multi angle camera setup from our studio facilities, as well as masterclasses held by industry professionals from all over the world. We have also provided our students with camera, sound and light equipment so as to work on small assignments from home and will add the full amount of time allocated to online classes at the end of the program to provide sufficient practical work, with no additional tuition fees. *(For more information see our COVID Update).


Are your programs run in English?

Yes, all of Prague Film School programs are run in English. Students at Prague film school come from all over the world, in an average class, typically from over 30 countries. The lingua franca in and out of the classrooms at the school is English.


Do I have to know some Czech?

No. As mentioned above, classes are run in English. Additionally, in Prague at least, most people have some basic knowledge of English. There is a production office to help with matters where language might be an issue with regards to your films, housing, medical issues or student life in general.


Does Prague Film School provide housing?

Yes. Students can opt for school housing in shared flats: each student has his or her own room but shares kitchen, bathroom and common space facilities with other PFS students.. Students can also choose to find accommodation on their own. All school flats are situated in the city center 5 – 30 minutes from the school by foot or public transportation. Flats are furnished with the basics but do not have Internet. Students arrange Internet on their own - the procedure is fast and easy.


If I choose a shared flat, do I have to share a room with somebody?

No, students in shared flats have their own bedroom but share kitchen and bathroom facilities.


Does the school provide a meal plan?

No. The school has a small cafe but most students cook their main meals themselves or go out to eat at local restaurants. The school does not have a cafeteria.


What are the fees for housing?

Housing fees are listed on the application form which can be downloaded on the admissions page of this web site.


Does the school shoot on film?

95% of students at Prague Film School shoot with the school’s fleet of REDs, Blackmagic Ursa, Blackmagic pockets, Sony 4K XDCAM and ARRI Alexa. Having said that, students can opt to shoot their end of semester and diploma films on 16 mm or even 35 mm but are responsible for the material fees including film stock, developing, and telecine. Second semester, there is also an advanced course that does cover film cameras - 16mm and 35mm.


I’m interested in directing. How many films will I actually be able to direct?

In the first semester all students have the opportunity to direct 4 films, 3 of which they write themselves. In the second semester, every directing specialization student directs his or her diploma film and works on another 4-8 film productions as they crew on other student films in addition to their own. It’s not uncommon for students to have worked on close to 20 productions the first semester and 10 during the second.


I’m interested in cinematography. How many films will I actually be able to shoot?

With roughly 150 short films and another 100 film exercises in total in the year program, DPs, camera operators and gaffers are in constant demand. Most importantly, during specialization classes cinematography students learn to operate film camera gear used in professional productions throughout Europe or North America.


What does early action application mean?

Applying by the early application deadline means that your application will be reviewed early. The main advantage of applying early is that admittance is easier as there are more places available for fewer applicants. On the other hand, students accepted early must also confirm their participation in the program early.


Does Prague Film School offer financial aid?

No, the school does not directly provide financial aid. Students from Scandinavian countries can apply to their home countries for governmental study grants (such as CSN for Sweden). UK students can seek loans from the career development loan organization. US and Indian students can get private loans from private banks in their home countries (we are not covered by the US governmental student loan program). There is also an exclusive grant of €1000 that can be awarded to some students from The Global Acting Studio - These are awarded based on your 1-on-1 interview as part of your application process.


Is Prague Film School accredited?
Prague Film School programs are approved at many top tier US colleges and universities (Vassar, Oberlin, Northwestern University, to name a few), but we are not an academic institution and do not provide academic degrees. Prague Film School is a registered liability company providing professional training courses in the field of film production.


Can I work while in Prague?

Students not from the EU cannot work in Prague. In any event, the program is more than full-time, making holding down a job an impossibility.


What’s the weather like?

Indian summer September and Octobers, cool and drizzly Octobers and Novembers, wintery Decembers, Januarys and Februarys with occasional snow, grey Marches, erratic Aprils, glorious Mays and Junes and standard continental Julys and Augusts.


Is Prague safe?

Yes. Cases of violent crime are almost unheard of. Prague is an extremely safe capital.


What Filmmaking Resources are Available?

With Prague Film School discounts or free of charge, students can draw from a number of local filmmaking resources, including:
1. Barrandov Film Studios - film lab, prop and equipment rental.
2. Czech Television - film lab and film camera rental.
3. Local casting companies, whose database is available for PFS students.
4. Access to locations, such as airport, railway station, metro, national museum, etc.
5. Contacts to other companies/organisations, offering specialised film-related services.


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